All posts by: Amber Hicks

About Amber Hicks

CCTV is paramount to the safety, security and peace of mind within any school environment. CCTV proves affective when needing round the clock vision of areas within, or outside of your school, allowing schools to deliver effective safeguarding policies, as well as protecting high value assets, both inside and outside the premises. CCTV Support in […]

The New Normal – Fever Screening for Schools As we all wait to hear when we will be allowed out of quarantine and with what caveats, one thing is for certain (at least for the short to medium term) is that there will be a “new normal”. This new normal will apply to all facets […]

HikVision are a market leader in innovative CCTV products, integrating advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver more that just a simple camera solution and have been working with SchoolCare as a long standing and well respected education focused technology company. Fever Screening Solutions for schools are an important tool in the toolbox, to help keep […]

As a market leader in Educational ICT SchoolCare have always been ahead of the curve when it comes to offering “the next big thing”. The concept of home learning it nothing new, however it has typically been reserved for special cases. Over the last 3 years, the concept of flipped learning has been gathering traction. […]

Windows 10 is latest iteration of the Windows Desktop Operating System. Windows 10 in Schools is needed to maintain performance and protect files and data. The most recent version of Windows benefits from improved and guaranteed stability and performance. From January 2020, Microsoft no longer supports security or technical updates with Windows 7, meaning that […]